CHDS at 44th North America SMDM

The 44th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) took place in Seattle, WA, in October, 2022. The theme of the meeting was “Better for Whom? Advancing Equity in Medical Decision Making”. CHDS affiliate Davene Wright served as the meeting co-chair.

Several CHDS members presented their work during the meeting, including CHDS faculty Ankur Pandya, postdoctoral fellow Allison Portnoy, researcher Joseph Corlis, and PhD students John Giardina, Lyndon James, Karen Smith, Lily Hsieh, and Ye Shen. Giardina received two Lee B. Lusted Student Research Awards, the Bruce Schackman Award for Outstanding Presentation in Health Services, Outcomes, and Policy Research (HSOP) for his poster presentation on the “Impact of Variation in Health Objectives on the Potential for Personalized Blood Pressure Control”, and the Stephen Pauker Award for Outstanding Presentation in Quantitative Methods and Theoretical Developments (QMTD) for his poster presentation titled “Bayesian Joint Prediction of Risk Factor Trajectories and Disease Incidence in Microsimulation Models: An Application to Ischemic Stroke.” James was a Schackman award finalist for his poster on “Does It Matter Who Incurs the Cost in DCEA? An Illustrative Study for the US Setting.”

In addition to the scientific presentations, Uwe Siebert, CHDS adjunct faculty and past-president of SMDM, led an interactive short course on “Causal Inference and Causal Diagrams in Medical Decision Making Using Big Real World Observational Data and Pragmatic Trials”. He also served as the supporting course instructor for “Modeling Approaches for Analyzing Health Care Problems – an Introductory Overview and Comparison”. FAMNET, a collaborative project between CHDS, University of Michigan, and University of Pittsburgh to advance the science of family well-being measurement, had a table at the conference with information on funding opportunities and other activities.

Learn more about SMDM

Related news: CHDS at SMDM (2021)
Related news: CHDS at SMDM (2020)