ISPOR Panel on Health Economics and Generative AI

Jagpreet Chhatwal smiling at camera

CHDS’ Jagpreet Chhatwal moderated “Emerging Landscape of Health Economic Evaluation in the Era of Generative AI” at the 2024 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) annual meeting. The session featured a distinguished panel of experts from academia, industry, and health technology assessment (HTA), including Turgay Ayer from Georgia Institute of Technology, Baris Deniz from Glaxo Smith Kline, and Dalia Dawoud from the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

The session discussed the transformative potential of generative AI and large language models (such as ChatGPT) in health economic modeling. Topics included how these advanced technologies can enhance various stages of model development, including conceptualization, data collection, coding, quality assessment, and reporting. The panel emphasized the need for continuous evolution in the assessment and integration of these tools to maximize their benefits while ensuring ethical use. The session underscored the importance of ongoing dialogue among AI experts, health economists, and end-users to harness the full potential of generative AI in health economic evaluation.

Learn more: About The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)

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