Jagpreet Chhatwal, MS, PhD, is the Director of the MGH Institute for Technology Assessment (ITA) and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. His research is centered in decision science, artificial intelligence, and health economics. He has co-authored over 120 research articles, and his work has been cited in leading media outlets, including NPR, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times. Dr. Chhatwal’s work utilizes innovative methods to disseminate the findings of decision models to policymakers using interactive online platforms. He currently leads research in multiple disease areas, including hepatitis C, liver cancer, opioid and alcohol use disorder, mental health, and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). He also teaches meditation workshops in different settings.

Interactive Online Modeling Tools:

COVID-19 Simulator: The COVID-19 Simulator has a collection of tools to help health policymakers and practitioners make decisions regarding policy, and strategy related to coronavirus disease 2019.

Hep C State Policy Simulator: Developed in collaboration with the CDC, the Hep C State Policy Simulator helps state health policy makers and practitioners make decisions regarding policy, strategy, and investments related to hepatitis C.

Hep C Calculator: Developed in collaboration with the WHO, this interactive tool evaluates the cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment and testing in different countries.

NAFLD Simulator: The NAFLD Simulator is an interactive, open-access tool that provides information on the short- and long-term risks associated with with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Selected News:

STAT: Congress Can Eradicate Hepatitis C and Reduce the Deficit at the Same Time

The Harvard Gazette: Remember Opioid Crisis? It’s Gotten Worse

The Harvard Gazette: Tab for Liver Disease Tied to Drinking Projected to Double over 20 Years