James K. Hammitt, PhD, is Professor of Economics and Decision Sciences in the Departments of Health Policy and Management and of Environmental Health, and Director of the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis. Dr. Hammitt’s research focuses on the development and application of quantitative methods to health and environmental policy, including benefit-cost, decision, and risk analysis. His topical areas of interest include management of long-term environmental issues with major scientific uncertainties, such as global climate change, evaluation of ancillary benefits and countervailing risks associated with risk-control measures, and characterization of social preferences over health and environmental risks using social-welfare functions, revealed-preference, stated-preference, and health-utility methods. Dr. Hammitt holds an AB, ScM, MPP, and PhD from Harvard University. He was Senior Mathematician at the RAND Corporation (Santa Monica, California) and appointed to the Pierre-de-Fermat Chaire d’Éxcellence at the Toulouse School of Economics in France.