Myriam Hunink
Myriam Hunink, MD, PhD, is Adjunct Professor of Health Decision Sciences at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston. Her primary appointment is as Professor of Clinical Epidemiology & Radiology and Director of the Health Sciences Master programme at the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She completed a BSc in mathematics, an MD degree, a PhD in health decision sciences, radiology residency and a fellowship in interventional & cardiovascular radiology.
Her vision is to optimize medical decisions by combining the best-available quantitative evidence on risks and benefits from diverse sources and integrating patient values, preferences, quality of life, and costs. Her research interests include methodological advances in decision making, evidence- and value-based use of medical imaging, novel randomized controlled trial design, mindfulness, and interventions to promote resilience and well-being among healthcare professionals. She has been honored with awards from the Swiss Society of Radiology, the Society of Medical Decision Making, the Radiology Health Services Research Society, and the Dutch Society of Epidemiology.
Her passions include mathematical modelling, teaching, mentoring, hiking, the martial art aikido, and piano improvisation.