Siebert Becomes ISPOR President-Elect

Image/Headshot of Uwe Siebert.

CHDS faculty Uwe Siebert has been elected as President-Elect of ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research beginning July 1, 2024. He will serve as president during the 2025-26 term.

“I feel this is one of the most honorable and beneficial roles I can imagine for my professional life in the years to come, with the goal of improving sustainable access to high-quality and efficient healthcare worldwide,” Siebert shared in his vision statement, continuing, “for me, ISPOR has become the multi- and transdisciplinary scientific home for an ever-growing number of researchers, providers, patient advocates, manufacturers, CROs, data vendors, regulatory bodies, and payers around the globe, providing the largest platform to support healthcare decisions.”

Siebert is Professor of Public Health, Medical Decision Making, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and chair of the Department of Public Health, Health Services Research, and HTA at UMIT TIROL – University for Health Sciences and Technology in Austria. He is also Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management at the Harvard Chan School and affiliated with the Institute for Technology Assessment at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

He has been a core member of the CHDS community for nearly 20 years. A physician by training, he has a long track record of applied and methodological research, policy engagement, professional service, and teaching. He has authored more than 400 publications, and advises government agencies, academic institutions, and industry. Siebert teaches courses in decision analysis, technology assessment, economic evaluation, and causal inference from real-world data at the HTADS Program at UMIT TIROL, and RDS 286, Decision Analysis in Clinical Research at the Harvard Chan School.

Learn more: Read about ISPOR

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