Global Cost of Mental Disorders
Stephane Verguet smiles off camera while in conversation during event

Upwards of $5 trillion in economic losses may be due to mental disorders each year, a value much higher than previously estimated. This study captures the global burden of mental disorders using a composite estimation approach. The result is a more complete image of a truly global public health issue.

Impact of HPV Vaccine Strategies
Image of Tom Gaziano and Natasha Stout in Conversation in Meeting.

Researchers used mathematical models to compare switching from a 2-dose to a 1-dose HPV vaccine. Results show countries can prevent nearly as many cervical cancer cases with 1 dose while awaiting long-term data.

Early HPV Natural History Transitions
Nicole Gastineau Campos standing with glass of water in hand

Microsimulation models used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of novel cervical cancer screening technologies rely on accurate human papillomavirus (HPV) transition risks. To inform the refinement of such models, authors compared the early natural history of HPV types using three large prospective studies of immunocompetent women.

Elevated Body Weight in US

Is elevated body weight associated with excess mortality in the United States? Using an empirically calibrated microsimulation model, this analysis finds that excess weight not only has substantial impacts on mortality, but that there are large disparities by state and subgroup.

Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Inequities

This paper uses a microsimulation modeling approach and individual-level data from nationally representative surveys to model the distributional impacts of improving hypertension diagnosis and treatment on cardiovascular disease risk and cases across socioeconomic groups. 

New Models for Cervical Cancer Control

Authors propose a new health decision modeling framework to evaluate novel cervical screening technologies. The framework, described in this publication, de-emphasizes previously used cytologic-colposcopic-histologic diagnoses, relying instead on HPV type and duration of infection as the major determinants of model transition probabilities.