Scan featured publications, projects and work conducted by our center community and our decision science colleagues across the globe.


What Does the Public Value?

How should we allocate scarce public resources? What should we use our public funds to pay for and what should we not? The “value of a statistical life” (VSL) places a dollar amount on how much a life is worth, and therefore how much we should “spend” to save one. 


Patient Preferences

Patients are faced with complex treatment decisions every day. Understanding how decisions are made, what is important in different contexts, how decisions differ when there are dependents or at the end of life, all matter to helping patients navigate care. 


Choice-Based Methods

Understanding mechanisms and components of choices are key considerations in a decision analysis. Choice-based methods for preference measurement offer new options for quantifying decision inputs to inform economic evaluation.

Vaccination Preferences

Parents’ preferences for childhood vaccinations are highly influenced by perceived risks and benefits. For hypothetical vaccinations presented in a national survey—how did parents value number of injections versus vaccine complications versus vaccine effectiveness? The results illustrate the role of emotion in vaccine risk communication.

Estimating Joint Health State Utilities

Co-occurring conditions complicate the estimation of health state utilities for use in CEA. Joint health state utility estimator algorithms may be useful but should consider the underlying information available to them in order to avoid bias.

Health Utility of Drinkers' Family Members

Family members’ drinking has an impact on the health-related quality of life of others within the family. The impact of alcohol interventions should consider the “spillover” effect of treatment on family members in addition to the individual drinker.