Angie Cradock Appointed Principal Research Scientist

Headshot of Angie Cradock

Angie Cradock, Co-Principal Investigator of the CHOICES Project and Deputy Director for the Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity, has been appointed as Principal Research Scientist in the Harvard Chan School’s Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

At the Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity, Cradock works with communities, community agencies, state and local government, and other partners to improve nutrition and physical activity. As part of the CHOICES Project, Cradock leads formal partnerships with state and local health agencies that provide technical assistance, training, and cost-effectiveness modeling support to these partners to inform decision-making for childhood obesity prevention strategies.

CHDS faculty Stephen Resch collaborates with Cradock as part of the investigative team for the CHOICES Project and CHDS PhD student Zachary Ward serves as programmer/analyst. The CHDS Media Hub and CHDS Repository teams also assembled repository prototype resource packs related to obesity. The group plans to use the “Studio-Out-of-the-Box” prototype developed by Media Hub lead Jake Waxman to aid in the development and ultimate production of CHOICES-related research.

Explore resource packs created in the CHDS/CHOICES collaboration:

Resource Pack: SSB Excise Tax Briefs (CHOICES)
Resource Pack: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of SSB Excise Taxes
Resource Pack: Decision Analysis and Childhood Obesity

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