
Tai Dinger
Tai Dinger is a 4th year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Tai holds a BS in Biology and an MS in Management Science and Engineering (Health Systems Modeling) from Stanford University.

Mike Eber
Mike Eber is a 6th year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Mike holds a BSE in Operations Research and Financial Engineering from Princeton University.

Jessica Preston Harvey
Jessica Preston Harvey is a 2nd year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Jessica holds an MPH and a BS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Virginia

Yuli (Lily) Hsieh
Yuli (Lily) Hsieh is a 6th year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Lily holds a MPH from Yale University.

Jacob Jameson
Jacob Jameson is a 3rd year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Jacob holds an MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy from The University of Chicago.

Janice Jhang
Janice Jhang is a 1st year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. She holds an MPH from Harvard University and a BS from Cornell University.

Andrea Luviano
Andrea Luviano is a 4th year PhD student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Andrea is an MD from ITESM and holds an MPH from the Harvard Chan School.

Jenna Rogers
Jenna Rogers is a 3rd year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Jenna holds a BS in Psychology and Statistics from the University of Missouri.

Ye Shen
Ye Shen is a 5th year PhD student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Ye holds a MSPH from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Radhika Tampi
Radhika Tampi is a 5th year PhD student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Radhika holds an MHS in Health Economics from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Skye Yoden
Skye Yoden is a 2nd year student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Skye is the former Executive Director of Digital Square at PATH.

Hanxuan (Astrid) Yu
Hanxuan (Astrid) Yu is a 1st student in the Harvard PhD Program in Health Policy, in the decision science track. Astrid holds an M.Ed. in Quantitative Methods from Vanderbilt University.