The CHDS Cervical Cancer Team, led by CHDS faculty Jane Kim, presented their latest research findings at the 35th International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC) held in Washington, D.C.
Presentations included:
- Senior research scientist Nicole Campos discussing the use of mathematical modeling to shed light on the mechanism and impact of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) latency and reactivation, a framework for cost-effectiveness analysis of novel screening methods for low-resource settings, and age trends in appearance of concurrent HPV infections.
- University of Texas at Austin assistant professor and former CHDS post-doctoral fellow Jenny Spencer with a poster on adapting a microsimulation model of cervical carcinogenesis to reflect black women in the United States.
- CHDS research scientist and University of Oslo associate professor Emily Burger discussing a model-based example on the impact of screening behavior on optimal guidelines, on behalf of University of Oslo colleague Kine Pedersen.
- Postdoctoral fellow and soon-to-be Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Public Health, Allison Portnoy presented on the cost-effectiveness of primary HPV triage approaches among vaccinated women, as well as the impact of the ‘EVEN FASTER’ concept on accelerating cervical cancer elimination, both using model-based analyses in Norway.
- Portnoy was honored with the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) 2023 Early Career Recognition Award during closing ceremonies. Portnoy will present an educational webinar on the future of HPV research to IPVS members in the near future and will also serve on the Early Career Researcher Program Committee for IPVC 2024.
Learn more: Resource Pack: Cervical Cancer Models
Related news: Interpreting HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Results
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