CHDS affiliate Soroush Saghafian and co-author Susan Murphy of Harvard’s Departments of Statistics and Computer Science described scientific and regulatory challenges facing Mobile Health (mHealth) interventions in a recent National Academy of Medicine (NAM) article.
“[mHealth and digital health interventions] are commonly used to deliver interventions in a self-service and personalized manner, reducing the demands on providers and lifting limitations on the locations in which care can be delivered,” they wrote. The benefits of these technologies have been recognized by various nations and “have led numerous countries to roll out nationwide mHealth platforms or begin the process of doing so.” Saghafian and Murphy argue that the rapid growth of mHealth technologies present numerous challenges that must be addressed to successfully reap the full benefits of the technologies.
Learn more: Read the full NAM article, Innovative Health Care Delivery: The Scientific and Regulatory Challenges in Designing mHealth Interventions
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