Soroush Saghafian: Making AI Impactful in Healthcare and Public Policy

Headshot of Soroush Saghafian.

CHDS’ Soroush Saghafian’s work at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), healthcare and public policy was highlighted in a recent FastCompany article. Saghafian shared insights from his work as the founder and director of Harvard’s Public Impact Analytics Science Lab (PIAS-Lab).

Saghafian discussed the gap between AI’s potential and its use in clinical settings and discussed the issues currently limiting its adoption in clinical practice. He noted that the Harvard’s PIAS-Lab is developing AI systems that would more closely align with human decision-making. Saghafian noted the potential for AI to assist in allocating funds and resources more effectively in healthcare settings. Saghafian also discussed ethical considerations in adoption of AI in healthcare and advocated prioritizing patient outcomes. He pointed out the need for updated FDA guidelines balancing safety with innovation.

In a recent keynote at the University of Toronto, during an event dedicated to data analytics in healthcare, he discussed the research at PIAS-Lab conducted in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic. His keynote entitled “Making AI Impactful in Healthcare” highlighted ways in which future AI-based systems can be designed to be much more effective.

Saghafian looks forward to a future where AI helps move healthcare from reactive to proactive models.

Learn more: Read the FastCompany article, Using AI for Public Impact: Insights from Dr. Soroush Saghafian
Learn more: Explore the Public Impact Analytics Science Lab (PIAS-Lab) website

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