Trial-based Economic Evaluation with Kim Dalziel

Headshot of Kim Dalziel

Professor Kim Dalziel of the University of Melbourne discussed economic evaluation research conducted alongside clinical trials at the June CHDS research seminar. Head of the Health Economics Unit at the University of Melbourne (UoM), Dalziel reviewed the methodological implications of conducting economic evaluations with clinical trials and presented numerous examples conducted by her research team at UoM.

Dalziel emphasized the importance of embedding economic evaluation within these trials to allow for rigorous and pre-specified analysis. The results can then be used for regulatory and reimbursement requirements. She also noted the important decisions and limitations that arise when designing economic evaluations in this context, including issues related to data collection and sample size, the choice of outcomes to include in the evaluation, and the study generalizability.

She highlighted two examples, the HIPSTER and HUNTER studies, which evaluated neonatal continuous positive airway pressure and high-flow therapy, both of which illustrate the use of sensitivity analysis to evaluate the generalizability of an economic evaluation’s findings. She also highlighted an economic evaluation of the CHOICE study, which evaluated treatments for children with cellulitis, as an example of an economic evaluation that influenced guidelines and policy decisions.

Dalziel concluded by reviewing areas for future research. These include incorporating distributional effects and equity into economic evaluations as well as conducting evaluations alongside different types of trials, such as registry-based trials.

This seminar is part of a series of monthly online seminars hosted by CHDS. To be added to the email list for future seminars, please send your request to

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