Lina Song and Vidit Munshi, doctoral students in Decision Science/Health Policy, both successfully defended their doctoral theses this May, via ZOOM. Song’s dissertation, “Data-Driven
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Sue J. Goldie on Teaching During COVID-19
In just a few short months, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought global health to the forefront of education in nearly every classroom, regardless of discipline or area of study. Educators
Read more...Cultivating the Next Generation of Decision Scientists
CHDS faculty Eve Wittenberg “zoomed” with high school students and undergraduates across the US in a Career Exploration Day on-line conference
Read more...Nowcasting and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of disease surveillance data for understanding the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths within communities, and how these
Read more...Raiffa Award Recipients Announced
CHDS has awarded the 2020 Howard Raiffa Fund to health policy doctoral candidates John Giardina and Fangli Geng. Giardina’s project will focus on analyzing recent advances in personalized
Read more...Jamie Cohen Successfully Defends Dissertation
Jamie Cohen, 5th year doctoral student in Decision Sciences/Health Policy, successfully defended her dissertation, Applications of Mathematical Modeling to Evaluate Cervical Cancer
Read more...Modeling Methods to Evaluate CDT
Acute pulmonary embolism is a relatively common and serious medical condition, and there is some uncertainty around the optimal treatment choice. There are tradeoffs among ventricular
Read more...CHDS Faculty Seminars at Duke
CHDS’s James Hammitt presented two seminars at Duke University. The first, “Fair Innings: The Utilitarian and Prioritarian Value of Risk Reduction over a Whole Lifetime,” describes
Read more...Efficient Warnings, Not “Wolf or Puppy” Warnings
A new book, The Future of Risk Management, features a chapter by CHDS researcher Lisa A. Robinson and co-authors W. Kip Viscusi and Richard J. Zeckhauser on the problems associated with consumer
Read more...CHDS’s HPV Research in the News
A Lancet Public Health article by CHDS researchers has resulted in numerous news outlets featuring the research. Emily Burger and Jane Kim have given interviews to Newsweek, Popular Science, Gizmodo,