Economic Evaluation Short Courses

The Centre for Health Economics (CHE) at York University announces two short courses this Spring, both focusing on economic evaluation in different contexts.

Statistical Methods in Economic Evaluation for Health Technology Assessment” is offered in either a 2-day foundations course (March 18-19, 2019) or a 3-day advanced course (March 20-22, 2019). These courses are designed for people undertaking, reviewing or commissioning analyses of individual patient level health economics and outcomes research data.

“Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation” is offered in either a 2-day foundations course (April 8-9, 2019) or a 3-day advanced course (April 10-12, 2019). These courses are designed for people undertaking economic evaluations to estimate the costs, outcomes and cost-effectiveness of interventions and programmes in health care and public health.

Learn more: Explore other short courses offered by the Centre for Health Economics.

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