Myriam Hunink Teaches RDS 288

Myriam Hunink smiling and talking at GHELI studio desk.

CHDS adjunct faculty Myriam Hunink is offering RDS 288: Methods for Decision Making in Medicine during the second summer session of the Program in Clinical Effectiveness. RDS288 covers a variety of modelling techniques, including decision models, Markov cohort models, and microsimulation. Students learn probabilistic sensitivity analysis and how to fine-tune and appraise models through calibration and validation. The course also covers value of information analysis. Students apply the methods learned to develop their own decision model, facilitated by the daily lectures, supplementary sessions, and one-on-one feedback from the teaching team.

In addition to her position as Adjunct Professor of Health Policy at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dr. Hunink is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Radiology at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She also directs the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences.

Learn more: Explore the Teaching Pack: Teaching Prototypes for Decision Analysis developed by Myriam Hunink

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