Seminar on Air Quality

Johnathan Buonocore looking off to the side.

CHDS co-sponsored a seminar on “Health Impacts of Air Quality Warnings” with the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis and the Society for Risk Analysis – New England.

Johnathan Buonocore discussed research on the health benefits of air quality warnings, including estimates of the maximum achievable benefits if warnings were based on perfect forecasts and if individuals are fully adhered to the recommendations. The seminar included discussion of the main determinants of the results and their implications. This research is a collaboration with CHDS’ Lisa A. Robinson, James K. Hammitt, and Lucy O’Keeffe.

Jonathan Buonocore is a Research Associate at the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He works on the health benefits of carbon mitigation and on how energy and other systems interact with the environment and human health.

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