CHDS senior faculty Professor Uwe Siebert became the 2017-2018 SMDM President at the 39th Annual Society for Medical Decision Making in Pittsburgh, PA. He was also awarded the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of “exceptional efforts and leadership in advancing the scientific and educational activities of the Society”.
Professor Siebert has long been a vocal advocate for ensuring that scholarship has a measurable influence on policy and health outcomes. Speaking of his plans for SMDM during his presidency, he emphasized his commitment to “translation of research into useful information for patients, providers and policy makers.” During that same talk, he reflected on his work in South America, West Africa, Europe and North America, and his passion for shared learning across borders. No one was surprised, least of all our own community, when he explicitly emphasized the importance of expanding educational efforts using digital technology. The CHDS media hub and repository team looks forward to engaging with some of Uwe’s new ideas!
Learn more about Professor Uwe Siebert
Professor Siebert has been a core member of the CHDS community for nearly 20 years. A physician by training, he has a long track record of applied and methodological research, policy engagement, professional service, and teaching. He has authored more than 250 publications, and advises government agencies, academic institutions and industry. Uwe teaches courses in decision analysis, technology assessment, economic evaluation, and epidemiologic methods, and currently teaches RDS 286, Decision Analysis in Clinical Research.
Learn more about the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM)
SMDM is an organization working to improve health and clinical care of individuals and populations through advancement of systematic methods to address decision-making. SMDM holds annual meetings, publishes two journals (Medical Decision Making and open access Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice), and maintains a website with member access to networking opportunities, education & career tools. SMDM offers short courses in topics such as cost-effectiveness analysis, shared decision making, decision-analytic modeling, and psychology of medical decision making meetings in North America, Europe and Asia.
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